If your machine has an automatic spindle control and the spindle won't turn on, it needs to be enabled.
You can enable this setting by setting up your machine properly. Go to Machine > Set up new machine and select Other (3rd Party Machine).
Follow the prompts in the walkthrough and during the "Spindle Settings" step, select Automatic.
Easel will prompt you to test the spindle to make sure it works.
Continue to the Machine Setup until you finish. You should now be configured for the spindle to turn on before a carve.
If it still does not work, you can go to Machine > Edit your machine and change the Spindle controlled by to Hardware. The Spindle should be set to "Other" and Default Spindle RPM set to your manufacturer's recommended RPM values.
To test your spindle, follow these steps:
Once you're connected to Easel, you can test if the spindle is working by sending a command through the Machine Inspector.
*Please ensure you remove the bit or the bit is secured before running these commands.*
To open the Machine Inspector go to Machine > General Settings > Machine Inspector.
In the console, send the following command to unlock your machine:
The Console looks like this:
Next, send this command (this command will turn on the spindle to 12000 RPM):
M3 S12000
Press enter. Once it is running, use this command to shut it off:
Press enter.
If the spindle powers on and off with these commands, then you'll be able to run a carve and expect that the spindle will work as intended.
If this does not resolve the issue, it may be a hardware failure. For hardware issues you will need to reach out to your manufacturer for additional support.