Easel Pro users can save their custom cut settings, having them automatically populate for projects with the same material and bit combination. In time, your carve settings and post-carve feedback will help Easel calculate better settings for all users.
Note: Easel Pro subscribers can take full advantage of stored cut settings by using the custom bits and materials in their Toolbox. Bits and materials in your Easel Pro Toolbox with stored custom cut settings will auto-populate for your projects. This streamlines the carve set-up process and improves your project workflow.
Saving Cut Settings
If you are an Easel Pro monthly or annual subscriber, your cut settings can now be saved and automatically applied to future projects. Whenever you select a material and bit combination, the cut settings used for the carve can be saved to your Easel Pro account.
Your saved cut settings will automatically be applied to new Easel Pro projects that use the same material and bit combination. Additionally, Easel Pro users can also choose to apply stored cut settings to past projects with the same material and bit combination.
When using a new bit and material combination, Easel will popular recommended settings under the “Automatic” tab:
Clicking on Manual will allow you to change those settings.
At the end of a carve, Easel will ask if you want to save the cut settings you just used:
If your custom cut settings worked well, select "Save" to use these settings as the default for future carves using this bit/material pairing when you have an active an Easel Pro account.
If you were not happy with your cut settings and do not want to use them next time, close the window. The original Automatic settings will be used as the default cut settings the next time you carve with this bit/material pairing.
If at any point you want to change your new settings, they can be found in the Toolbox. Click on the Toolbox then go to Cut Settings:
Tip: Even if you don't save your custom settings, you can tell Inventables how your carve turned out using the two options at the bottom of the pop-up. This helps us recommend better settings to other users.
You do not have to complete a carve to create your own default settings. All you have to do is add your settings for a particular bit and material pairing using the Toolbox feature:
Auto-Populating Cut Settings
Once you have saved cut settings from an Easel Pro carve, those settings will automatically populate in new Easel Pro projects for the same bit and material combination. You can see here that these saved settings auto-populate with an Easel Pro account when this bit/material pairing is selected in a new Easel Pro project (X-Carve Pro test settings shown below):
If you'd like, you can change the auto-populated settings by entering new values for feed rate, plunge rate, and depth per pass under the Manual tab.
Additionally, saved cut settings will only auto-populate when you select the same bit and material used in a previously completed carve.
Want to try using saved cut settings on your projects? Sign up for an Easel Pro subscription!