If you are using a OEM Partner Z-Probe, it likely does not match the specifications of the Inventables Z-Probe. Easel is configured for an Inventables Z-Probe, so if you are using a different one, you will need to change the associated settings in Easel.
Note: A machine must be connected to Easel in order to make changes to the Z-Probe settings.
First, open up an Easel project. Then navigate to Machine > Edit your machine.
Once you click on Configure Z-Probe, Easel will ask you to plug the lead into the carriage/HMI, attach the clip to the collet, and hold the plate against the collet. This is a safety check to make sure your Z-Probe is working before modifying any settings.
You are able to modify the following settings:
- Touch plate thickness
- Probe rate (the speed at which the spindle will lower down to the touch plate)
- Retract height (how high the machine will retract after making contact with the touch plate)
- Maximum probing distance
You can also test the Z-Probe sequence in this window to ensure it is working correctly.
Click on save for your changes to take effect.