Easel and Easel Pro will connect and work with machines using the open-source GRBL firmware, which is limited to Arduino-based controllers. We have instructions for connecting to OEM Partner GRBL machines here: OEM Partner Machine Profile Setup
Note: Easel currently supports the following GRBL versions for third-party machines: Grbl 1.1h, Grbl 1.1g, Grbl 1.1f, Grbl 1.1e, Grbl 1.0c, Grbl 1.0b, Grbl 0.9j, Grbl 0.9i, Grbl 0.9g, Grbl 0.8c
In order to successfully connect to a machine from Easel, two pieces need to be in place and working:
- The Easel Driver needs to be installed and running
- The Easel Driver needs to be able to open a connection to the device
If you’re unable to connect to Easel, clicking the Blue "Carve" button will indicate which step you need to follow. You will see one of the following 2 messages:
- “Install the Easel Driver” → Step 1 is failing
- “We can’t find your machine automatically” → Step 2 is failing
Step 1: Make sure the Easel driver is installed: Download and Install New Easel Drivers
Windows users may need to install the FTDI driver: Installing the FTDI Driver (Windows only) and make sure the right COM port is selected. |
Please ensure your computer meets Easel's System Requirements listed here: What are Easel's System Requirements?
Step 2: Make sure your machine is powered on and connected
1. If your machine has an emergency stop button (e-stop), please make sure your e-stop button is fully disengaged before reaching out for further assistance.
This is the most common issue we have people call about, so please check your e-stop if you're having connection problems. This may vary depending on your machine type.
2. Check your machine and computer are communicating. In Windows, check the COM port under the Device Manager. In macOS, check the USB devices under the System Report.
Wrong COM port selected (Windows Only)
3. Ensure correct drivers are installed. We recommend the FTDI driver for Windows computers.
Installing the FTDI Driver (Windows only)
Download and Install New Easel Drivers
Some OEM Partner machines come with offline controllers (see image below) and this prevents your computer from connecting to Easel. To connect directly to Easel, you must disconnect your offline controller.
If you want to use your offline controller, you can always try exporting g-code from Easel. That process is outlined here:
Non-Grbl Machine Setup (OEM Partner Machine)
If you still have trouble connecting, please reach out to your machine provider as it may be a hardware issue. You can also reach out to other folks in the Community Forum here: https://discuss.inventables.com/c/3rd-party-machines/52
Inventables can only truly provide hardware support for the machines we have built and tested ourselves.